Cybersecurity network: what has changed

Cybersecurity network: what has changed
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Everything is continuously changing, including the approaches to business, technology, cybersecurity. Part-by-piece protection with well-defined boundaries is losing its effectiveness due to the ever-increasing demands for flexibility in operations. Cybersecurity Mesh (a cybersecurity network) makes it possible to securely access your digital asset, no matter where you are. And the protection system itself is not concentrated in a specific place, but around each user individually. This approach to cybersecurity is especially relevant today, when the demand for cloud technologies has increased, as well as the number of remote workers.

Cybersecurity: why it is so important

Cybersecurity is perceived by many people as the embodiment of all measures aimed at protecting networks, applications, and devices. The main task is to ensure the security of confidential data, to maintain the correct operation of the organization.


The human factor is the most vulnerable point in information security. Regular coverage of cybersecurity rules among employees is a useful preventive measure. Authorized employees must fully understand the importance of complex passwords and backups, and have good skills in handling sensitive data.


Any protection in the information environment should be based on one principle, which has already been tested by time and experience. It is recommended to fill the system with additional measures regularly to create more reliable protection against potential threats.


It is necessary to have a stock of specific safety components. First of all, a list of devices and applications that require protection is compiled, and a tool is selected for each.

Potential threats

Cybersecurity research is conducted regularly. New threats in this area are constantly being identified.

Common attacks are the following:

  1. Ransomware. It works like this: an employee downloads a supposedly secure app that locks the file system and demands a ransom to unlock it.
  2. Virus software. The file system is infected and the entire computer network is damaged.
  3. Social engineering. An attacker enters into correspondence with one of the company's employees, pretending to be a trusted person, in order to obtain confidential information.
  4. Phishing. A trusted letter with a request to send money or provide confidential data is sent.

This is not the full list of dangerous things that may await. The examples provided show that it is quite difficult to recognize such attacks. The remote format of work and the use of cloud storage further complicate the situation.

New quality of cybersecurity

Cybersecurity plans and structures have been constantly changing lately. Such drastic changes may seem daunting. The cybersecurity network enables the flexible movement of data and computation into smaller, more manageable chunks which are much easier to track. It also provides essential services of trust. Increased control is possible thanks to the following:

  • monitoring and verification of assets;
  • cryptographic services;
  • authorization rights.

Consequently, distributed data is protected by policies across different deployments. The combination of control and flexibility that reliably protects critical assets no matter what the environment is can only be achieved with Cybersecurity Mesh today.

Impact on business

Today, any business starts from the information. So, management encourages employees and customers to exchange data regularly. Information is the lifeblood of an organization. The way in which data is obtained on demand in personal life influences the expectations of how this information will be applied in the professional field.

Since the foundation of a business structure is data, current computer security models should be built based on information, protecting it from all sides. For this reason, we can observe a transition to an information security model that focuses on policies that affect the organizational structure. The wider use of automation makes it possible to prevent potential threats and instantly eliminate emerging attacks.

Effective cybersecurity is the ability to combine your defense with external circumstances. Society, public policy, and technology are changing rapidly today, which means that the points of interaction have to change as well. Cybersecurity Mesh will remain a key trend for a long time, because it provides almost all the necessary advantages that are no longer provided by classical methods, including flexibility, reliability, and the ability to quickly and effortlessly adapt to new conditions. It is the ability to prevent data leakage that will distinguish modern companies from each other.

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